How do you travel from one mountain town to another without a sufficient road or mode of transportation? Well, these two towns in Colombia decided a homemade zip line would do the trick.

This looks like the sketchiest, yet most awesome way to travel between towns. Do you think anybody ever just keeps looping these two zip lines back and forth just for fun?

I know I certainly would as long as it didn’t piss of the locals…

So rad.

“Occurred on July 19, 2021 / Acacias, Meta, Colombia “There are two ropes, one going and one coming back, which are fixed. They use a makeshift harness and a crotch to give them direction. Everything from food to small animals and even children in backpacks are transported across the cable, which is about 50 years old, 800 meters long, and 300 meters high. The trip lasts about 30 seconds each way and saves the local people around 2 to 3 hours of walking.”

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