Image result for arapahoe basin trail map
Arapahoe Basin Trail Map

Can you feel it? Can you smell it? Can you taste it? Ski season is right around the corner, and I feel like a corny cartoon character from the 1940s drawn to the smell of a freshly baked pie resting in the window.

I know I’m probably in the top 1% of people when it comes to my obsession with skiing, but I imagine that many of you consider yourself equally as crazy. That’s why you read Unofficial Networks, and that’s why you keep clicking on my blogs that share a deeply disturbing insight to my fragile-ski-obsessed mind.

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Arapahoe Basin, and that’s why I was extremely excited to see that The Legend started testing their snowmaking equipment yesterday. Temps aren’t quite there yet, but according to A-Basin COO Al Henceroth’s blog– the next week looks promising.

A beautiful sight.

Cheers to snowmaking. Cheers to cold temps. Cheer to winter. Cheers to ski season. Can we PLEASE get on with it already? I can’t wait any longer!

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