The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area shared with their Facebook followers that park rangers were called to clean up the remnants of an apparent kickback set up by some distasteful park guests.

The rangers removed a six piece sectional sofa and enough cigarette butts and beer cans to fill two garbage bags. The partiers apparently set up their little couch shindig overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

I’m all for having a good time out in the wilderness, but I don’t know… maybe don’t be an asshole and haul a six piece sectional couch out there and leave it for park rangers to clean up?

I know I’m starting to sound like my mother, but I’m legitimately asked myself out loud, “Who the hell raised these people?” My only hope is that they were planning to return to clean up their mess, but I highly doubt it.

Shout out to the park rangers for doing the dirty work to preserve our National Parks and National Recreation Areas. I feel the need to apologize on the behalf of other young folks that we aren’t all assholes. Some of us know that throwing a party on living room furniture in a National Recreation Area isn’t something that’s acceptable. At least I hope I’m not the only one…

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