Photos Courtesy: Chris Holyoak

A flash flood came barreling through Phoenix’s East Valley metropolitan area on July 4th due to severe burn scarring.

The rain fell on an area that was burned in a recent forest fire and the ground wasn’t able to absorb the water. The water is left on the surface and is pulled by gravity to the lowest point in the area.

The result is a dangerous flash flood that nearly took this home with it.

Chris Holyoak shared the videos above to his Facebook page with fear that him and sister might not survive the flood. Thankfully the floodwaters subsided after some time and they are safe.

What a scary situation that must be. Imagine sitting at your home when flood waters seemingly appear out of nowhere and put your in life jeopardy.

It’s also weird to think that heavy rain following a forest fire can actually be equally as dangerous as the forest fire itself. What a crazy climate we live in nowadays…

Here’s a great video to describe how burn scar flash flooding occurs.

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