^Mt. Ushba. Courtesy: Max Benidze
Italian freeskiing legend Markus Eder recently released a video of his attempt to ski Mt. Ushba, Georgia (country) alongside Sam Anthhamatten and Leo Slemett back in 2017.
The trio was able to ski some world-class lines on the trip, but their plan to ski down Mt. Ushba (15,453′) was cancelled due to poor snow conditions.
That didn’t stop the group from summitting the peak, and filming some all-time conditions in Georgia’s Caucasus Mountains.
Is Georgia the new Alaska? 😆
Markus Eder:Â “These two trips to Georgia and our objective to be the first people ski down mt. Ushba (4694m) in the georgian Caucasus range has probably been the strongest experience in my life as a Freeskier! We failed, but got to experience an amazing country and culture with Alaska like (or better) skiing! Huge thanks to Sam Anthamatten & The North Face for giving me this opportunity, and of course thanks to Guido Perrini, Leo Slemett, Luca Rolli and everyone involved. This is a cut I’ve made randomly a few years ago for the sake of doing it. “