News broke this weekend that the Asian giant hornets (aka Murder Hornets) were found for the first time in the United States. The 2-inch long giant hornet has a reputation for delivering an extremely painful sting. Multiple stings can even prove deadly to humans.
According to the New York Times, Murder Hornets’ stings are responsible for 30-40 human fatalities a year in Japan.
The hornet’s primary target is honey bee hives. By using their sharp pincers, the hornets decapitate honeybees, using the bodies to feed their young. During an attack, hornets can destroy an entire honeybee hive in an afternoon.
“On this episode of Breaking Trail, Coyote and the crew are in one of the most remote stretches of wilderness in all of Japan… and they come across none other than the Japanese GIANT Hornet! This creature injects venom in such a high dosage that it can destroy tissue and attack the nervous system of its victim. Will Coyote be able to stand the pain as he finds out just how nightmarish this hornet’s sting really is?” – Brave Wilderness