“The farming of Atlantic salmon – a non-native species – in neighbouring Tasmania has boomed in recent years, the industry worth $A730 million annually, but the growth has been so quick that environmental monitoring and regulation has struggled to keep pace.”
Excellent mini-documentary produced by Patagonia about the effect of pen fishing on a local environment and bottom-up revolution by passionate locals to fight back before irreparable damage is done. Great inspiration for grassroots community activism. Join the fight HERE:
“Tasmania is regarded as one of the wildest, most pristine states in Australia. In recent years however that reputation has been tarnished by the boom of the local salmon farming industry. With environmental regulations struggling to keep pace with the industry’s growth, the marine environments that host the industry have been significantly impacted and in some cases have approached collapse.
Increased scrutiny of the industry – aided by the mobile nature of ocean pen farming – has forced operators to find new locations. When the industry set their sights on opening up a new territory on neighboring King Island – adjacent to the world-class waves of Martha Lavinia Beach – they were unaware they were also picking a fight with surfers worldwide.”