“Anything we can do to improve traffic and improve safety on I-70, particularly in the wintertime, is just one more step toward solving a very troublesome and difficult set of problems.” – Sen. Bob Rankin
If you don’t have good tread or you don’t have year round snow tires, you might need to practice using chains because a new bill in Colorado aimed at enhancing the traction law would require carrying tire chains from Sept 1st through May 31st on 1-70 between Morrison and Dotsero.
NEWS9 reports opponents have said they are concerned the bill would create undue and unfair costs that would burden drivers. The bill passed its third reading in the Senate Monday and is now heading back to the House.
HB 19-207:
- Allows for current technology and traction options.
- Sets minimum standards for tires.
- Requires traction equipment to be carried on I-70 between milepost 133 (Dotsero) and milepost 259 (Morrison) from Sept. 1 through May 31 when icy or snow-packed conditions are present.