This one of kind park design at Hakuba Happoone Winter Resort encourages creativity and flow.  Line choices are only limited to your imagination and transitions are generous. You can just carve the damn thing if you want and look good doing it. Always cool to see park builders making thoughtful designs rather than your standard jump line.  

Love the way they describe the park, the Japanese to English translation is like poetry:

The one and only snowpark full of banks laid out throughout the slope.
What to do in each section is totally up to your originality.
Various jump points, banks, lip tricks and jibbing spots can be found depending on which line you pick.
Every rider’s true board maneuvering sense will be tested for connecting the sections as smoothly as possible.
Glide, carve, slide, jump, twist, grind, read the lines…
Make the most of Happo Banks with your imagination and creativity.
You will find new lines, new possibilities, new challenges on every runs.
Come experience the true joy and happiness of skiing and snowboarding expand at the HAPPO BANKS.

Whats up with this dude’s Donatello bo staff style ski pole….Screen shot 2015-12-27 at 12.46.10 PM


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