This edit is from John Wells and his Anonymously Yours series. It’s shot at Mt. Baker and has a lot of POV with some footage of anonymous Baker riders mixed in, who didn’t know they were being filmed (for the most part).
From John on VIMEO:
“At Mt. Baker there is a lot of everything, a lot of snow, a lot of rain, a lot of talented riders, a lot of driving, and a lot of dedication.
The majority of this series of 2 episodes was filmed without the knowledge of most of the riders being filmed. People just skiing or riding whether or not the camera was rolling, or anybody watching. I was lucky enough to catch most of the goods on film and to add some of my own POV which as we all know is the purest form of skiing. Just click in and go, deal with the cam later, if it works cool, if not easy come easy go.
This goes out to the locals at Mt. Baker and all over the world that make every pow day “all-time”, and would never brag about any line just a solid high five and a huge smile!
Can’t wait for the snow to return! Bring on Fall.”
Here’s another edit from John, the Crash Reel from Mt. Baker Blocks Webisode series: