Paul Kimbrough Launching the rope line

Conditions Report: December 7, 2011  Mt. Baker Ski Area.  It was a mixed bag at the mountain today, fog down-low, a bit of rain on the drive up, and enough sunshine to soften the snow to make for some good ripping inbounds.

Chair 7 – White Salmon Base

The mountain is in good shape, 68 inch base on top of pandome.  Lots of terrain to hit up, jumps everywhere, and it had a dusting of new snow overnight.

Gabl’s – Chair 5 -Comp skiing conditions

So chairs 5,6,7,8 all have really great groomers, cat-track hits, and loads of jibtronic features to have fun on.  The natural halfpipe is a bit icy, but halfway down is pretty sick.

mini snowbank

The backcountry looks good, but looks can be deceiving.  With no new snow, lots of sun, and cold temps fluctuating with warm highs in the afternoon, it is solid.

Chair 8 – The Beast Zone – Waiting…

Chair 6 – Overlooking Honkers, Sticky Wicket and Hotels

Loading up employee shuttle w/Mt. Shuksan alpenglow

John Wells spinning a 360 over the rope line.

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