Burton Snowboards was an unexpected winner after yesterday’s inauguration of the 46th President of The United States Joseph R. Biden Jr. as Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ nonchalant winter attire made international news.

As Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez took the lectern with outfits no doubt coordinated by a team of stylists, the fashion icon of the day was little old Bernie Sanders who just threw on what he would to walk down Church Street in Burlington. The BBC (yes again this made international news) reports Bernie Sanders was rocking a Burton Edgecomb Jacket (which promptly soldout on their website) and mittens made by schoolteacher Jen Ellis from his home state, using repurposed wool sweaters and recycled plastic bottles. Instead of a wardrobe malfunction making headlines, it was wardrobe function that won the day.

Just a Vermont dude matter of factly dressed for the conditions. Now Bernies’ look has been coopted by the dankest meme lords where it will live forever ↓↓↓

RELATED: Bernie Tells Colorado Gov. “Ice Coast Rules, Vail Can Suck It”

dank memes from twitter



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