Moose battle takes over a suburban street.
Moose battle takes over a suburban street.

Rut is a very exciting time of year for all types of deer, elk, and moose. During the fall, the normally isolationist moose population becomes much more social, with big antlered bulls fighting for breeding rights as cows congregate. These battles can be brutally violent, frequently ending in injuries or death.

Moose aren’t typically aggressive towards people, but if they feel threatened or harassed they might charge. The chances of aggression from bull moose increases during rut, so those that live near or are traveling near moose territory should understand that giving the animals plenty of space is key. This Alaskan man was in his driveway when a moose battle came hurtling towards him. Fortunately he was able to beeline it inside and capture the rest of the duel on camera.

Dale Jay, who captured the video, gave the animals plenty of space the second he saw them coming, filming the rest of the battle safely from his deck. If you find yourself close to a moose, you should slowly move away while trying your best to appear as non-aggressive as possible. If a moose does charge at you, either run or get behind something large and solid, like a car or tree.

National Park Service on Moose Safety:

Moose aren’t inherently aggressive, but will defend themselves if they perceive a threat. When people don’t see moose as potentially dangerous, they may approach too closely and put themselves at risk.

Give Moose plenty of room!
Enjoy viewing them from a distance. Cow moose are extremely defensive of their young so use extra caution around cows with calves.

In the summer months, moose blend in well to their environment and can be surprisingly hard to see for such large animals. They are likely to stand their ground even when they hear people approaching, so pay close attention to your surroundings, especially in prime moose habitat such as willow thickets or around streams or ponds.

If you do find yourself close to a moose

  • If it hasn’t detected you yet, keep it that way.
  • If it knows you’re there, talk to it softly and move away slowly.
  • Don’t be aggressive – you want to convince the moose that you aren’t a threat.
  • If you think the moose is going to charge you, take cover or run away.

Watch for signs that the moose is upset
If its ears are laid back and hackles are up it is likely to charge. Most of the time, when a moose charges it is a ‘bluff’, or warning for you to get back – a warning you should take very seriously! Once a moose bluff charges it is already agitated. If possible, get behind something solid (like a tree or a car).

Unlike with bears, it is okay to run from a moose.

They usually won’t chase you and if they do, it’s unlikely that they’ll chase you very far. If a moose knocks you down, curl up in a ball and protect your head with your arms and keep still. Fighting back will only convince the moose that you may still be a threat. Only move once the moose has backed off to a safe distance or it may renew its attack.

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