ALYESKA, Alaska – Alyeska avalanche rescue dog Stormy partook in some summer training recently, and a camera placed on her back lets us her point of view. You can tell that, to the dog, this is all just fun and games. And though it’s certainly serious training for the owners, you’d have to imagine they’re having lots of fun with it a well.
According to the American Kennel Club, avalanche rescue dog training typically begins when the dogs are puppies. The dogs will chase a toy as it’s dragged across the ground, playing a game of tug-of-war when they catch it. Then things move outside, with the owners playing hide and seek with the dogs behind some bushes, rocks, and other barriers.
Once the summer training is complete, and the snow hits the ground, things head towards snow caves. They start with open snow caves, then slightly covered snow caves, then fully covered snow caves that are more prominent, and so on, making it harder and harder until the dog is able to find a completely buried person. It is all a game to these pups, but it can save lives.