There are many goals that serious hikers aim to complete on their bucket lists: doing the Appalachian Trail, hiking all of Colorado’s 14ers, and completing the tunnel at Salt Lake City International Airport.
For people in the Northeast, one of these major goals is hiking the forty-eight 4000-footers in New Hampshire. Four thousand footers are defined as mountains that have a summit elevation of at least four thousand feet above sea level. While these are difficult hikes, the task is pretty doable. Many people bring their pets with them, which included a bunny that completed all of the hikes last year.
YouTuber Nimmo In Nature broke down what the hikes to the 4000 footers are like, and ranked the experiences from worst to best. Surprisingly, the perilous Mt. Washington isn’t number one on his list, and it doesn’t even make the top five. His top five consisted of Bondcliff, Mt. Lafayette, Mt. Madison, Mt. Lincoln, and Mt. Adams.
The video from Nimmo In Nature is below.
Image/Video Credits: Balazs Busznyak (Featured Image), Salomé Guruli (Header Image), Nimmo In Nature