What’s the last thing you want to see when you’re in the middle of the Alaskan bush, hundreds of miles away from civilization? Probably something like a large asteroid heading towards earth or a sign of the end of said civilization, but a massive bull moose charging towards you is definitely up there!
Gabe Nyblad posted these videos (two separate angles) back in 2018, but they still bring chills into our heart.
The Alaskan bush, to be clear, is any region that’s not connected to the North American road network. Civilization exists in just 160,000 acres of the state’s incredible 365 million, so there’s plenty of area to find yourself lost.
Moose can move a remarkable 35mph. A lot of boats don’t even travel that fast. Additionally, a full grown bull moose can weigh up to 1,500 pounds, more than some small dinghies like the one in this video.
The beast in those clips is huge, no doubt. With the incredible distance they were from society, it seems likely that this was that massive bull moose’s first interaction with humans in any context, and this guy seemed pissed.
Unlike a lot of other dangerous animals, you should run from a moose if it begins to charge. Try to quickly get behind something solid, like a tree, as the animal probably won’t be able to turn around an object as fast as you. Curl up into a ball and protect your head with your hands if the moose knocks you down, and stay still until it moves a good distance away. You can learn more about moose safety through the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

Related: Moose Gets Within Feet of Estes Park Photographer, The Incredible Speed Of A Charging Bull Moose
Image Credit: Gabe Nyblad via Instagram