“One interesting fact I noticed about free riders is that the only time they actually look smart is when they’re brushing their teeth.” – Jérôme Tanon
Ski movies tend to have a habit of taking themselves a bit too seriously. Maybe you like it, maybe you find it a bit annoying, but sometimes even the most mundane ski adventure films will act like the riders are constantly on Death’s doorstep. There is inherent danger with any of those movies, don’t get me wrong, and the actions should be taken very seriously, but it’s nice to get that breath of comedy through a film when it comes around.
FREE RIDER, The North Face’s newest film posted to their YouTube, shows one of the more intense adventures while filling the editing and narration with brutal honesty and sarcastic humor, and it does it very well. Sam Anthamatten, Victor De Le Rue, and their crew are alone in the far reaches of the Alaskan wilderness. If one of them were to get injured, rescue would be incredibly difficult, and if an unexpected storm came in, they could be stuck for days. Narrator and director Jérôme Tanon isn’t focused on that, though. He’s focused on the riders’ fear ticks, bowl movements, and… art work.
I won’t spoil anything else for you, just give this video a good watch, you won’t regret it.
Image Credit: The North Face via YouTube