Tragic news out of California where a 67-year-old man was found dead in Death Valley National Park after he apparently run out of gas and tried to walk to find held.
Officials report David Kelleher was discovered Tuesday by park visitors about 2.5 miles from his vehicle. His body was found 30 feet from California Highway 190 but was hidden by a mesquite tree and terrain. Park officials later found his vehicle at one of the park’s most popular viewpoints with a crumpled note inside his vehicle that read “OUT OF GAS.” A recent heat wave sent temperatures soaring to record highs in the valley reaching 123 degrees.
Rangers want to remind park visitors to stay safe in the summer by not hiking at low elevations after 10 am, staying within a short walk of air conditioning, drinking plenty of water, and eating salty snacks.
This is Death Valley National Park’s second recent fatality. John McCarry, 69, was found dead in the park on June 1.
Here are a few recommendations on how to prepare for a safe trip in the park.
 Plan ahead! Know your route in and out before you get here. Loading navigation apps can be difficult with limited cell coverage here.