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FUNNY: Americans And Brits Label Maps Of The USA/Europe

Our personal favorite...
Our personal favorite…

[All photos courtesy of Robin Edds//Buzzfeed]

There’s a lot of water between us and Europe and while we’re so alike in many ways, were also very different in others. However, one thing we hold in common is our shameful knowledge of each other’s relevant geographies.

Related: Park Ranger Releases 1,000+ National Park Maps For Free

To prove that point, BuzzFeed had Brits label a Map of the US and in turn had Americans label a map of Europe. Needless to say, the results are abhorrent. But before you judge, be sure to take the quiz and check yourself.

Test Your Geography Knowledge: 

Brits Vs. The United States

Stephen King Country:

Florida AKA Disney Land:

Canada, the land of Nickelback:

Not a clue:

 God knows: 


Further South Dakota:

Two States, One Country:

The United States Vs. Europe

I’am very sorry. You are all great:

Africa is not a country:

Masters Student: 

Hot blonde country:


‘Merica minded:

Eastern Europe gets the shaft: 

Student loans: 

Dracula was here:

Damn commies:

Age of Empires II: 

Find the entire BuzzFeed posts here: Americans Try To Place European Countries On A MapBrits Label The United States

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