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“Hold My Beer” and Get Stoked For Winter

Hold My Beer

10 Barrel Brewing opened back in 2006 to brew beer, drink beer and have fun doing it. Almost 14 years and seven locations later, they have grown tremendously, all along not losing site of these original concepts. Their growth has led them in many directions all the while encouraging people to  drink beer outside. Events like River Radness and Hella Big Air are becoming legendary. As their popularity grows so too does their creativity in the outdoor industry most recently diving into the production of winter action films.

Last winter 10 Barrel Brewing released its first ever movie, Pray For Snow. Baring the same name of their famous and tasty winter seasonal beer, Pray For Snow: The Movie chronicled their team of athletes including Ben Ferguson, Eric Jackson, Curtis Ciszek, and Lucas Wachs as they went full send one powder filled scene after another.

“When we first released Pray for Snow: The Movie, we didn’t really have any goals in terms of metrics for doing it,” states Andy Goggins, marketing director at 10 Barrel. We just realized that there was an opportunity with not many breweries making action films and saw it as a way to showcase our team of athletes.

The result? It was a huge success that demanded a second installment.

10 Barrel Brewing Returns With its Second Winter Action Film

Ask and you shall receive. This winter the brewery that is known to give their employees off to take advantage of powder days and has company snowmobiles to help them do it, is back with their newest chapter of winter films, Hold My Beer. Starring Curtis Ciszek, Eric Jackson and a slew of other sick snowboarders, Hold My Beer takes viewers on a ride through winter.

Hold My Beer and Come Along for the Ride

A Dumb and Dumberesque motorcycle intro rides right into an epic 10 Barrel beer filled house party. Imbibing to the max, party goers participate in a variety of beer games until one asks a friend to, “hold my beer” as he sends it off the roof on to the beer pong table, smashing it in half. Let the dream state begin as the boys embark on a tour from the peaks of Alaska to the southern Rockies. Deep pow and sick hits abound, Hold My Beer delivers an adrenaline worthy sequel to the original Pray for Snow: The Movie. 

Watch Hold My Beer at a Pub Party or at Your Home

Goggins goes further, stating that the movies are, “A cool opportunity to tie into our Pray for Snow parties, a party to celebrate the incoming winter season. We really wanted to amp up the stoke level at the party and having our athletes at the events, on stage, introducing the films definitely does that.”

While the 10 Barrel pub parties are over this season, the film is still showing at breweries across the country for the next month. Catch it along with Wachs This, a short film featuring professional skier Lucas Wachs at any one of the remaining Hold My Beer premiere parties.

If a visit to one of the participating breweries is not in the cards, that’s not a problem. 10 Barrel just released both films on YouTube so you can stoke the fire and watch it right from the comfort of your couch. Just be sure to have plenty of ice cold Pray for Snow on hand while you do.

It has been awesome to get the support to do the things that we love and use our beers to support organizations like POW, Outdoor Alliance and Surfrider Foundation, says Coggins. 

1% of all Pray For Snow profits are given directly back to Protect Our Winters (POW) – in support of the pursuit for epic face shots and deep pow. This seasonal beer is one you don’t want to miss.



Rich Stoner is the founder of the après-ski lifestyle clothing and media brand, All About Après. No stranger to the ski and après-ski scene, Rich has been a long time contributor for many publications on topics like skiing, gear, beer and food. However, his passion is on the slopes and enjoying good times with good people. You can find him perfecting his craft carving turns and drinking beers in the Green Mountains of Vermont. @allaboutapres

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