Sun protection is an essential element to summertime fun but its always been difficult to gauge how much sun you have been exposed to and how much sunscreen you should be using….until now. The ‘My UV Patch’ is a waterproof patch you stick on your skin that can be used with a smartphone app to detect UV levels and sends reminders to reapply sunscreen. The patch contains photosensitive dyes that change color when exposed to ultraviolet rays. You then scan the patch using the app and get realtime updates and reminders to reapply sunscreen:
“My UV Patch is the first-of-its kind stretchable electronic is a transparent adhesive that stretches and can be applied directly to any area of the skin. Measuring approximately one square inch in area and half the thickness of an average strand of hair – the patch contains photosensitive dyes which change color when exposed to UV rays to indicate varying levels of sun exposure. Use the patch and app together to understand your personalized levels of exposure and get tips about how to play safe in the sun.”
SCAN: Scan the patch to get up-to-date data on your level of UV exposure.
MONITOR: Receive feedback on your level of risk and personalised sun safety tips.
PROTECT: Use in conjunction with a high SPF suncream to protect yourself in the sun.
….pretty cool little piece of tech to remind us to enjoy the sun responsibly.  If you interested in getting on a waiting list to purchase GO HERE.