1_1_4_1Back in 2012, an entire ski lift was dismantled and stolen from a Czech ski resort in the northern town of Desna.

Police confirmed to local media that the lift had been stolen over the couse of a weekend soon after the ski season had come to an end. It is thought to be the first and only time an entire ski lift has been stolen.

It was reported that, “The whole lift was taken including the three supporting pylons and the 1km length of wire cable.”

The total damage was estimated to be 200,000 crowns; that is about $10,500.

It is still unclear how the lift was dismantled and then taken away without anyone noticing. Was is also unclear is if the lift was sold for scrap or if the lift was reassembled somewhere else.

Screen Shot 2016-07-10 at 8.58.52 PMDesná ski resort. Was it this lift?