After 2 Canadians did not arrive to greet family members at the Montreal Airport this past Friday, the parents of Etienne Lemieux an Louis-Vincent Lessard called authorities in New Zealand. The news they eventually got back was tragic.
Both were found dead as the result of an avalanche according to search and rescue officials
According to the Southland Times, “Sergeant Ian Martin, who coordinated the search, said an orange back pack cover helped them spot the first body, which was partially covered by snow.”
The two men embarked on a trip around July 8th with their target being the Kepler Track located in Fiorland National Park on the southern island of New Zealand.
The route usually takes 3-4 days to complete and includes three huts at which trekkers spend their nights. The trek is especially difficult during the winter months.
“Their equipment seems to have been suitable, but I would strongly recommend to anyone travelling in the Fiordland National Park to make contact with the Department of Conservation first”-Â Sergeant Ian Martin
On Saturday, Rescue officials spotted a body covered in avalanche debris 1,150 ft. below the trail. The second body, which was found in close proximity to the first, was not recovered till Sunday due to deteriorating weather conditions.
Both men were 23 years old.