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Trailer: M-Line 2014 Film “The List”

Everyone has it. A bucket list full with things that he or she wants to do or achieve once in a lifetime.
The athletes of “THE LIST“ definitely have achieved things in their lifes that others can´t do more than dream of, but still, those guys have their undone things on their individual lists too. The range is going from strange to really challenging. At least always entertaining.

“THE LIST“ is a project planned to run for several years. After year one the first full length movie is gonna be released from October 2014 on. This first part takes the audience to the backyard of the riders. Being in Alaska doesn´t mean that one already has ridden the steepest lines at home. Some projects they are trying to realize for many years now, but circumstances never gave them a chance to achieve it. And, you will see that just making a movie about it, doesn´t mean, that everything works the way it should.

The Full Movie will be on Tour from October 1st 2014 on. Here are the currently fixed dates and locations.

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