Now that everybody and their mother has a GoPro and a iMovie on their Mac self edits are showing up faster and with more frequency than VDs on a stripper. With that being said, many of these selfies lack in both quality footage and editing steez. This is 100% not true about the above video. Clocking in at about 5:00 this edit is exceptionally good cover to cover like a 90’s grunge rock album…think Nevermind, Ten, Superunknown  and enjoy:)

Axle Peterson and the Bridger Brigade have been making videos since the B.Gp. age (That is Before GoPro) With loads of experience editing and filming these fellas consistently create some of the best non-big-budget ski porn out there. This edit features footage of Axle AKA Ax Man from last seasons adventures in the snowy reaches on MT, AK and beyond. Ax blurs the line between filmer and athlete more than just about anyone else out there. He looks to be charging at 100% again after having to lay low for a season or two with a broken back. If you dig it share it!