Our snowpack is now at 36% of average, which…
“… is just enough to notch us above the lowest maximum snowpack on record during the 1976-77 season (the worst snow season on record in Tahoe).” – TahoeWeatherDiscussion.com
…that isn’t saying much…actually, that says a lot…this is a rough, rough year in Tahoe.
– 36% of average precipitation in Tahoe Basin and 40% of average precipitation in Truckee River Basin
– 47% of average this water year for Tahoe Basin and 50% of average in Truckee River Basin this water year
– Ski Resorts at around 37% of average snowfall thus far
– Snowpack is also around 37% of average in Tahoe
– .04 degrees Fahrenheit below average temperatures
– Squaw received 52” of snow at 6,200 feet and 73” of snow at 8,200 feet in February
– Squaw now has received from 102” to 145” of snowfall this winter
Thanks to our friends at www.TahoeWeatherDiscussion.com for the above numbers.