More punches for multiple Go Pros (lower right)
More punches for multiple Go Pros (lower right)

If you’re anything like me, you haven’t matured past the age of 13 and are always looking for a random reason to punch your friend in the shoulder. Problem is, on the slopes, and in ski towns for that matter, there’s a shortage of Volkswagen Beatles. I’d go as far as to say that there are no “Bugs” on any of the runs I’ve ever skied. So, as a matter of keeping childish games alive, I’d like to introduce the game of “Go Pro,” based on the ubiquity of these head cams.

The premiss of the game is simple: a qualifying “Go Pro” is any sighting in which the user isn’t actually skiing. So, the lift line, the tram, the gondola, the lodge, etc., would all be qualifying “Go Pros,” earning you a free punch usable immediately, on any of your buddies. Or, if you’re feeling daring, you could punch the person wearing the Go Pro, explaining the game afterwards. Yes, I’m a fan of the footage, but if you’re not schussing you really have no excuse for looking like a Tella Tubby. So get out there, and have some childish fun at the expense of (probably) tourist ass clowns.