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Vanessa Aadland BN Update: Your Questions Answered

Vanessa Aadland, naked skiing, superior naked, lcc naked, gnar, gnar points

Vanessa Aadland’s impressive feat of BN skiing on June 1st did not go unnoticed on the Internets. Unofficial experienced our most page views in a day ever on June 1st thanks to Vanessa. Thanks Vanessa. She has just added more photos to her blog I also got to speak with her at her bangin’ going away party that same night. Here are the details:


Vanesssa did ski the whole line naked. There is a photo of her killing it below. Yes, it was really cold. The wind was gusting which made it colder still. There was a buddy there to protect her from avalanches. There was no way to protect her from ice burn on a fall though. Yes, there was avi gear in her backpack. No, there are no frontal shots for sale or for rent. There is no video that I am aware of at this time. Vanessa is leaving for NZ on Friday so if you want to congratulate her in person your time is limited. And yes she is single…


My #1 question: What was tattooed on Vanessa’s rear? “Ski Bum” How clever…


The proof..


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