
A ski resort in Austria’s Carinthia region is up for sale – for one euro.

The Petzenbahnen had been acquired by the local council’s tourism holding company KHT in a multi-million dollar deal but is now up for sale at a massive discount in order to attract an investor that will have money to spare to develop the region.

The resort has a restaurant, four ski huts, a children’s nursery slope, a ski school and a ski shop offering rentals. Petzenbahnen boasts a total of 26 kilometres of runs including 12 kilometres of the easy blue runs, 11 kilometres of medium difficulty red runs and three kilometres of harder black runs. There is also a snowboard park and a cross-country skiing and skating rink!


T0 sweeten the pot  there are subsidies of around £1.4 million that have been included in the province’s budget. 

Carinthian governor Peter Kaiser, said that any other option, for example allowing it to close, would end up costing five times as much simply selling it for a symbolic amount. “The resort is a valuable part of the local economy and must be saved to ensure jobs and tourism are protected”, he said.


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