The boundaries in skateboarding have been extended once again…

Tom Schaar, a 12 year old skateboarder, stuck the first ever 1080 on a specially designed mega ramp in California.

In Tom’s words…

“The progression to 10’s just really started with me skating.  Then I went 5’s, 7’s and just recently I got 900’s.  That’s the best accomplishment of my life….Until yesterday!!!” 


Schaar exhibits a tremendous amount of balance, concentration and coordination while sticking this move.  His psych, mixed with a bit of surprise, upon raising the bar is palpable and awesome!!!  How long before we see a 1260, 1440 or more??

Tom’s 1080 occurred on the mega ramp at Woodward West in the Tehachapi Mountains of Southern California.  This behemoth starts with a 70′ run in ramp.


70' Run In


Then, athletes must decide which gap to catapult over.  The 50 footer or the 70 footer!


70' Center 50' Left and Right


Terminating in a 27′ quarter pipe.  


Quater Pipe


Apparently, maintaining the momentum necessary to spin three times after landing a 50′ gap jump was proving difficult for Tom.  (What a surprise!)  Overcoming this hurdle was achieved by building a bridge over the gap.  This bridge allowed Tom to keep his wheel’s on the ground before sending it into the air.

Progress the ramp, progress the sport!!


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