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BASE Jumper’s Parachute Fails To Open Properly “I’m Ready… Bye”. (Somehow Survives Okay)
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Video of BASE Jumper Pulling His Parachute Extremely Late Was “100% Intentional”
Categorized under: Hiking
Little Cottonwood Canyon BASE Jumper Requires Helicopter Rescue After Getting “Cliffed Out”
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VIDEO: BASE Jumper Falls Directly Into Open Parachute (Both Walked Away)
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VIDEO: BASE Jumper Injured After Extremely Low Parachute Pull
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“The Leg Strap Incident” Absent-Minded BASE Jumper Nearly Jumps To His Own Death
Categorized under: Wingsuit
World Record Proximity BASE Flight Over Mont Blanc (7.5km/3:05 Minutes)
Categorized under: Wingsuit
Can’t Believe This Rope Swing Attached To A Parachuter Actually Worked
Categorized under: BASE