Preparation for Red Bull Rampage.
Preparation for Red Bull Rampage.

Polish mountain biker Szymon Godziek (brother of Dawid Godziek, who biked on a train) is set to compete in the 2024 Red Bull Rampage, kicking off for men on Saturday, October 12. As a part of the competition, athletes must work with their team to build their competition route, including any jumps, drops, and features they plan on hitting.

Szymon, like ever rider in the competition, has been at work on his route for several days now, filming and documenting the process. The video is in Polish, but watching it with subtitles is worth it. This year’s competition is going to be wild, and I’m already looking forward to seeing Szymon in action.

Red Bull Rampage kicks off on Thursday, October 10, with the Women’s competition at 9:00pm ET. On Saturday, October 12, the men’s competition is set to kick off at 12:00pm ET. Both competitions will be streamed live on ESPN+, Red Bull TV, and the Red Bull Bike YouTuber channel.