Posted inwildlife

WATCH: Moose Escorted Out of Alaskan Hospital After Chomping On Decorative Plants

“This is the best. Like, what’s the code for this?”

A curious moose in Anchorage spotting some tasty looking decorative plants through the window of Providence Alaska Hospital and decided to stop in for an snack. After entering the lobby through some automatic doors, the year old moose moose munched away on a umbrella tree as security officers looked on in disbelief.

Eventually they grabbed some fronds to try to coax the moose while pushing furniture to funnel it towards the door.  Thankfully the moose found the exit and no one was injured during the incident.

“The Providence Health Park had an extra-special visitor today, as a moose decided to come inside and check out the plants in the lobby. Thankfully, caregivers from the Security Department helped guide our friend safely out the door.”


A moose found its way into our hospital today!
by u/Lou_Wisbone in AnimalsBeingDerps

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