Wowza. The edit below is rad.

*Sidebar- Are ‘wowza’ and ‘rad’ really lame to say these days? The video below features a bunch of snowboarders, and I’m trying to look cool as I share their video. Can one of you let me know if I’m just a washed-up narc skier and I shouldn’t even bother? Thanks.

The video below comes from one of our readers, Ryan Halverson. Him and his friends scored a backcountry zone in Wyoming at the perfect time last season, and were treated to long, powder-filled lines.

I enjoyed watching this quick edit for a couple of reasons. For one, it gets right to the point. There’s no useless filler or B-roll prior to the actual skiing and snowboarding. That’s always a plus in my book.

Second, the skiing and riding was awesome, and the use of a drone to capture the lines was stellar!

RIP Mike McKelvey.

Ryan Halverson: “We were lucky enough to catch these Wyoming dream lines in near perfect condition. With such long sustained runs and very terrain trap like features, the time had to be right, and fortunately for us it was! Big ups to Ryan Cruz for making this happen. With the sad loss of our brother Mike McKelvey, and remembering how stoked he was out there this day… this ones for Mike!” 

Riders/Skiers: Ryan Halverson, Ryan Cruz, Mike McKelvey, Josh Mandel, DC Oteken, and Colin Ah

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