“Titled “Inequalities in Life Expectancy Among US Counties, 1980 to 2014,” the study found that Summit and neighboring Pitkin and Eagle counties had the highest life expectancies in the nation at 86.83, 86.52 and 85.94 years, respectively.”–Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)
Just discovered this series called “The Longevity Project” by Summit Daily News which explores the reasons behind the unusually long life spans of residents in Colorado’s high country. Not only do residents have long lives, they are also healthier than the national average by all measures:
“Meanwhile, a 2014 report published in the Aging and Disease medical journal found an association between living at high altitude and “lower mortality from cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and certain types of cancer.” A previous IHME report found that Summit County had the lowest cancer rate in the country for over 30 years. When it comes to health grades, central Colorado’s mountain counties are at the top of the class.”
I’ve got boat loads of anecdotal evidence supporting these claims but its nice to see scientific research supporting the things you see living in the mountains. Highly encourage you read the ENTIRE ARTICLE about 95 year old Frank Walter and come to your own conclusions. Long live the mountain people!