Thanks to the good folks at Leave No Trace for this handy pop quiz for hikers who come across a muddy spot on trails.
Leave No Trace is on a mission to use the power of science, education and stewardship to ensure a sustainable future for the outdoors and the planet and that includes lessons on proper hiking trail etiquette.
While it is impossible to leave absolutely no trace of your visit to the outdoors, Leave No Trace is a set of ethical guidelines to minimize the unavoidable impacts and prevent the avoidable impacts of enjoying any outdoor pursuit. Take the quiz and learn more about the Leave No Trace philosophy HERE.
You’re out hiking and find a muddy trail. What’s the best way to Leave No Trace?
A: Walk through the mud.
B: Walk around the mud on vegetation.
C: Levitate and keep your boots clean.
D: Turn around.
…take a second and make a guess. Correct answer below:

The correct answer is A. We want to travel single file in the middle of the trail, even when wet or muddy.