It is unfortunately all too common to see cars on the road after a snowstorm or icing event with the bare minimum of scraping on their windshields. It’s can be labor and time intensive to fully clear your car’s windows but to avoid this simple task is not only dangerous but illegal with penalties varying depending on your jurisdiction.
The state of Colorado does not have a have a specific statewide law that requires you to clear snow and ice off your car but Colorado Revised Statute (CRS) 42-4-201 mandates that a driver’s vision through all required glass equipment must be “normal and unobstructed” to operate the vehicle safely. Colorado’s Teller County Sheriff’s Office just issued this friendly PSA that fully scraping frosty windows is not optional:
“It’s time for our yearly reminder. Unless you’re a tank commander, please do not try to drive while peering through a small hole in your windshield. Please, take time to clear your windshield completely off for everyone’s safety.”
Fort Collins Police Services Officer Dexter Rowe further illustrates that a tank style “peep hole” is not sufficient visibility in this lighthearted video with comedian Taylor Calmus. If you are wondering how much of your windshield should be cleared before hitting the road, a good rule of thumb is to scrap the area the windshield wipers cover.