Some people take LEGO creations to an unbelievable level, breaking away from the traditional sets and creating their own models with whatever pieces they can get their hands on. Alexandre Rossier is one of those creators, building everything from trains to snowmobiles to unique off-road vehicles.
Their most recent design is an 85cm fully RC snow groomer, designed to model the Prinoth Leitwolf Snow Groomer. In addition to driving around, the model groomer has a functioning rear tiller that can lower and raise and a functioning winch that can move side-to-side. It’s doesn’t appear to be quite finished yet but it’s close, and Rossier has been working on the project all summer long.
This is not an official LEGO set but LEGO has created snow groomers in the past. None have been quite as functional as this one, though. A couple are still available for purchase on their website, including this simple $12 one. Could be a neat thing to add to your collection!
If you do really feel the need for a model Prinoth Leitwolf, there is a model available on the Prinoth fan shop for €95. It doesn’t seem like it functions like Rossier’s design, sadly.