Happy Birthday Glen Plake!
Happy Birthday Glen Plake!

Cheers to the folks at News Center Maine diving into their archives to celebrate the 60th birthday of Mr. Glen Plake. The local news pulled this vintage 2004 clip of the extreme skiing pioneer visiting Lost Valley Ski Area.

Glen is known for is famous for his hard charging skiing (and of course his hairdo) featured in seminal ski films like The Blizzard of Aahhhs but its his role of as an ambassador of the sport that sets him apart from many of his contemporaries. Back in 2004 they were calling him the “Pied Piper of Skiing” and that still very much holds up today.

Glen has been true ambassador of skiing for decades, spreading positivity and love across the industry at ski resorts large and small. Anyone lucky enough to meet Glen will have the same story, he is the exact same as in the movies. A ripping skier who is genuinely gregarious and kind. What a guy.

Happy birthday Glen!

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