There is a lot to consider before buying your first snowboard. It can be a bit stressful laying down hundreds of dollars for something you never ridden. What style, what model, what length…every rider has a different criteria to best suit their riding style and it can be confusing sorting through options.
Thanks to the good folks at Amplid Snowboards for putting together this useful video breaking down snowboard geometry so that even a first time buyer can understand all the variables that will match you up with your perfect snowboard.
Obviously this video features snowboards made by Amplid but the same principles apply to all snowboards. Cheers to Amplid Snowboards!
“In this video, we break down everything you need to know to navigate the jungle of different models and lengths. From understanding your bio specs like body height, boot size, and weight, to selecting the right type of board for your riding level, preferred terrain and snow conditions, we’ve got you covered. We also delve into crucial aspects such as overall length vs. running length vs. effective edge, underfoot widths and other advanced specs that impact your riding experience. Don’t let the wrong board ruin your ride—get the insights you need to make an informed decision and elevate your snowboarding game!” -Amplid Snowboards