This tourist at near Bridal Falls in Yellowstone National Park must not have read the park’s safety guidelines that explicitly state to “stay with your vehicle if you encounter a wildlife jam.”
In fact he took the initiative to get out of his vehicle which was “at least 20 plus cars back” and walked straight up to the herd with his iPad raised to get footage of the animals. Thankfully a park ranger who was at the front of the line to ensure the safety of the bison and instructed the man to step back to maintain the required minimum distance of 25 yards from the bison.
Grizzly bears might be the most feared species to roam Yellowstone but bison have injured more people in the park than any other animal. Bison are unpredictable animals that weigh up to 2,000 pounds (largest land animals in North America) and can run three times faster than humans. If a bison perceives you as a threat they can quickly turn the tables in a split second and the consequences can be severe.
You can help protect Yellowstone National Park wildlife by taking the Yellowstone Pledge, acting responsibly and setting a good example for others.
Yellowstone Bison Safety Guidelines:
Bison have injured more people in Yellowstone than any other animal. Bison are unpredictable and can run three times faster than humans. Always stay at least 25 yards (23 m) away from bison.
- Give bison space when they are near a campsite, trail, boardwalk, parking lot, or in a developed area. If need be, turn around and go the other way to avoid interacting with a wild animal in close proximity. 
- Approaching bison threatens them, and they may respond by bluff charging, head bobbing, pawing, bellowing, or snorting. These are warning signs that you are too close and that a charge is imminent.
- Do not stand your ground. Immediately walk or run away from the animal. Spray bear spray as you are moving away if the animal follows you.