If you’re planning a trip to Pictured Rocks National Lakershore in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan this time of year be forewarned, its stable fly season and insect repellent does not work on these little buggers.
Superficially, stable flies are similar in appearance to house flies but they can inflict a painful bite (usually targeting victims legs and ankles). Stable flies are the main biting fly at Pictured Rocks and tend to congregate along the shore in mid to late summer. They are particularly bad on warm humid days with a south wind so checking the forecast may be helpful to avoid them.
The are not known transmitters of diseases to humans but they are extremely annoying and can lead to empty beaches on otherwise picturesque summer days. Arguably the most insidious aspect of these flying insect is their imperviousness to insect repellent. Because bug spray is ineffective, Pictured Rocks park official recommend loose-fitting long pants and thick socks they are active.
It should be noted there is active research into botanical solutions to repelling stable flies using lemongrass oil against stable flies. Hopefully one day we will have a working deterrent but for now remember to wear pants and thick socks when stable flies are in season.
Pictured Rocks National Lakershore
Welcome to Pictured Rocks, we have towering sandstone cliffs, turquoise water, lush wilderness, and millions of hungry flies.
Wait, what was that last one? Yep, it’s fly season.
Stable flies, which inflict painful bites, are a staple at Pictured Rocks during the summer months, and it’s anyone’s guess as to when they “go away” for the season. They are most abundant on warm days with a wind from the south, as this pushes them onto the lakeshore from the forests south of us.
What can you do to avoid the flies?
-Wear long pants! Stable flies love to bite below the knee. Wearing sturdy, long pants can help you steer clear of bites.
-Try a bug net. Bug nets that go over your head can be a hike-saver!
-Don’t rely on sprays. Stable flies are not deterred by bug sprays like mosquitoes are. Long pants are the best way to keep them off of you.
Stay safe out there! And don’t like the stable flies bite!
images from NPS