Summit County deputies need our help identifying a ski-biker who crashed into a father and his adult daughter Tuesday at Keystone Resort leaving the father with serious injuries.
The incident occurred between 12:30 and 12:45 p.m. Tuesday at the bottom of the Bergman Bowl, near the intersection of the Blackjack and Prospector ski trails. As the father daughter duo were exiting Blackjack, a yet to be identified male on a ski-bike struck the daughter from behind causing her to fall. The ski-biker then hit the father who was ahead of her.
The daughter (in her 50s) was wasn’t seriously injured and was treated and released. The father (in his 70s) was seriously injured and is in critical condition at a Denver area hospital. The pair was visiting from California.
“This catastrophic collision, resulting in devastating injuries, evolved into a criminal event once the unidentified person fled the scene without identifying himself or seeking aid. The law specifically states that no skier involved in a collision with another skier or person in which an injury results shall leave the vicinity of the collision before giving his or her name and current address to an employee of the ski area operator or a member of the ski patrol, except for the purpose of securing aid for a person injured in the collision; in which event the person so leaving the scene of the collision shall give his or her name and current address after securing such aid. Neither of which occurred in this instance.” –Summit County Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons
The sheriff’s office does not have a further description of the the ski-biker and are asking for witnesses or anyone with information about the collision to call Summit County dispatch at 970-668-8600.

Summit County Sheriff Press Release:
Date: January 3, 2024
Contact: Lt. Wanda Wilkerson
Contact number: 970-423-8901
Email of Contact Person:
Summit County Sheriff’s Office Investigates Skier Collision Resulting in Critical Injury at Keystone Ski Resort
Keystone, Colorado – January 3, 2024 – A skier collision occurred at Keystone Ski Resort on Tuesday, January 2 between 12:30 -12:45 pm, involving a father and daughter visiting from California. The collision took place at the bottom of the Bergman Bowl near the intersection of the Blackjack ski trail and the Prospector ski trail.
As the father and daughter were exiting the Blackjack run, an unidentified male on a ski bike descended from behind and collided with the daughter, causing her to fall to the ground and sustain injuries. Subsequently, the same male then collided with the father, who was just ahead of the daughter. The daughter was treated for her injuries and has been released. The father sustained serious bodily injuries and is in critical condition at a Denver area hospital.
The Summit County Sheriff’s Office is actively investigating the collision as a criminal incident. At this time, there is no physical description of the unidentified male, his clothing or ski bike. The Summit County Sheriff’s Office is asking for any witnesses or anyone with information related to this collision to please contact the Summit County 911 Center at 970-668-8600.
The Summit County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind everyone to always practice safe snow activity habits and to be aware of the risks associated with these activities. The Colorado Skier Safety Act is designed to protect all skiers and riders on the slopes. The Your Responsibility Code consists of ten key tenets of enjoying the safest possible day on the slopes.
Summit County Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons stated, “This catastrophic collision, resulting in devastating injuries, evolved into a criminal event once the unidentified person fled the scene without identifying himself or seeking aid. The law specifically states that no skier involved in a collision with another skier or person in which an injury results shall leave the vicinity of the collision before giving his or her name and current address to an employee of the ski area operator or a member of the ski patrol, except for the purpose of securing aid for a person injured in the collision; in which event the person so leaving the scene of the collision shall give his or her name and current address after securing such aid. Neither of which occurred in this instance.”
This remains an active investigation and no further details are available at this time.