Speed flying is wild. Skiing can be an “extreme sport”, sure, but speed flying feels like it’s in a different category. It’s an extreme sport. Would I give it a shot if given the opportunity? Probably not, no. I don’t feel the need to be ripping over the ground at super high speeds with quite literally nothing below my feet.

If I were a speed flyer, though, and the wind was so strong that I was physically unable to take off, I can tell you now that I’d be keeping my feet on the ground. None of this “we’ll make it work” stuff.

This guy, posted by @speedflyingschool to Instagram, is doing exactly what I wouldn’t be doing. Fighting the wind. The wind is a true force of nature. I enjoy sailing and working with the wind, sure, but if a large gust of wind is telling me no, I’m going to listen.

Disclaimer: This guy is a professional and has spent countless hours in the sky with this equipment. You are not and you have not. Please do not try this at home.

If you’re confused as to what the difference between regular paragliding and speed flying is, I’ll explain a bit. Speed flyers aren’t just casually flying around to look at views. Instead, they’re rapidly descending down mountains and other high points with a smaller, high performance foil.

There’s also speed riding, which is essentially speed flying with skis on, so as to touch down on a snowy mountain while rapidly descending from high heights. If you’ve seen a dude cruising around with a parachute in your favorite ski movie, there’s a good chance they were speed riding.

Related: PBS Explores The Alaskan Speed Riding Scene

Image Credit: Beni Kälin via Instagram

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