This past summer, locals stepped up in Gunstock Mountain Resort’s time of need. Local partisan politicians had hijacked the Gunstock Area Commission, which oversees the ski resort. Once the mountain’s management team resigned, locals spoke out to get the committee members (and eventually the local politicians) who caused the disorder removed. This winter, their loyalty to their local mountain is being rewarded.

The Laconia Daily Sun reports that Gunstock will be launching a pilot program this winter for Belknap County residents to purchase $45 lift tickets for all ages. It’s a stark difference between the $99 ticket for weekends and the $87 price for weekdays. All residents need to do is bring in a valid New Hampshire driver’s license that shows that they’re Belknap County residents. The ticket will not be available on Saturdays, or during holiday periods.

Outside of the leadership battle this offseason, many projects were done by Gunstock to improve the guest experience. They added LED bulbs to their lights for night skiing, which are brighter and lower electricity costs by two-thirds compared to their old bulbs. Some of their other offseason improvements include moving one of their magic carpets to the beginner area to reduce crowding and completing snowmaking upgrades and repairs on the Cannonball trail, which hosts Gunstock’s Ski Club.

Some short-term improvements after this season that are planned include renovating the Stockade Lodge and paving their main parking lot. In the long term future, a huge master development plan is also being considered. Gunstock’s current opening day is set for December 9th.

Image Credits: Gunstock Mountain Resort 


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