The saga over the delayed lifts at Park City Mountain Resort isn’t over yet. The Park Record reports that Vail Resorts is appealing a prior decision to the Third District Court that prevented them from upgrading the Silverlode and Eagle/Eaglet lifts this offseason. In June, the Park City Planning Commission granted an appeal from locals due to overcrowding and limited parking concerns, along with Vail Resorts providing inconsistent Comfortable Carrying Capacity numbers.

Sara Huey, a spokesperson for Park City Mountain, released the following statement in their appeal:

“The City Planning Director made the right decision to issue this permit, supported by her extensive, four-month-long analysis and the advice of three outside experts. There is no evidence that she made a mistake, and we believe her decision will be upheld in this next step in the process. While we disagreed with the outcome, we respect the right of four residents to appeal the Planning Director’s decision and likewise we have the right to appeal the Planning Commission’s decision. In parallel with this appeal, we, of course, remain committed to working with the City to explore options to ensure that the resort moves forward with these important replacements of equipment that was installed many decades ago.”

Is hard to say if a successful appeal would allow both lifts to be open for the 2022-23 season. They already said they wouldn’t be ready for next winter because of the granted appeal, but they do have the new parts to the lifts on site. Perhaps one lift could be installed in time for next season, but this is speculation on my end. We’ll have to wait and see how long the appeal process takes. Image Credits: Park City Mountain


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