Bison are gonna bison, ya know what I mean?
The video below is a little long so I’ve embedded it to start right before the action. Here’s all the context that you need-
Park rangers were attempting to clear a bison herd from blocking a road in Yellowstone National Park. They held up traffic for a time, and eventually reopened the road when they thought it was safe to pass.
Turns out one bull wasn’t particularly happy about that.
Jeremy Laing: “Bison Traffic Jam Leads to Suburban being Gored. Three families traveling together to the Playmill Theatre in West Yellowstone had a very memorable moment. A 7-year old proclaimed, “I’m going to tell my kids about this!” right after the abrupt hit to the car. If you look closely at the pictures of the bison jam you can see a park ranger flashing lights (they were also using sirens) to push bison off the road and get traffic moving. Come to Cody, Wyoming, the best entrance to Yellowstone National Park!”
Check out the damage that horn did to the door of the car! Thankfully it wasn’t a human…