Ever herd of a Karelian Bear Dog before reading the title of this post?
Yeah, I hadn’t either, but I decided to do some research after watching the video below. It shows a Karelian chasing off a huge male grizzly in an undisclosed location.
Looks like it could be Canada or Alaska?
So, it turns out, Karelian Bear Dogs are a breed native to Finland. They’re bred specifically for hunting big game such as moose, wild boar, and… you guessed it… bears!
Karelian’s typically weigh between 44-66 pounds. The breed is extremely common in Finland.
Isn’t it cool that people bred a dog specifically to hunt bears? I mean, I love my Goldendoodle and all, but having a bear-hunting dog would be so sick.
I know that the bro in me is coming out, but I just can’t help it.
I’ll end with the fact that I’ve just research Karelian Bear Dog breeders here in the US. I couldn’t find a price, but there are actually quite a few breeders around. Pretty sweet!
Featured Image Credit: American Kennel Club, mana5280 on Unsplash, and Frying Pan
Header Image Credit: By Fraczek.marcin – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9395848