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What’s all this Web 3.0 talk about?

I keep hearing people on podcasts kind of, but not really, explain how they heard their Cousin’s Friend’s Uncle’s Great-Granther’s Estranged Nephew’s Ex-Girlfriend’s Father’s Mistress’ Aunt’s Step-Daughter’s Wife, who works at Google, that it’s the next big thing.

My understanding is we’re going to be plugged into a VR system so that our bosses can monitor us to make sure we’re actually working from home. We’ll have simulated coffee breaks, bathroom breaks, and meetings. They’ll even make sure that we’re again tortured by Dave from Marketing’s incessant rants about his ‘incredible’ Fantasy Football team.

Anyways, let’s move on to why you actually clicked this blog.

There are some people interacting in Web 2.0 that have found unique ways to convey deeper understanding of a situation by simply using 2D audio and visuals.

My favorite such example is how Greg Fisher, General Manager of Granite Peak Ski Area in Wausau, WI, gives his assessment of the ski area’s new snowfall. He simply records himself holding a football, throwing it into the snow, and listing the amount of snowfall he’s measured in the Tweet’s description.

We can’t actually feel the snow through our screens, but you can admit that you know more about the texture and feeling of that snow thanks to him throwing a football into it, right? I know I sure do.

For example, I know that this snow is a little bit light on top, but crunchy beneath. That ball blasts through the first 2 inches with ease, but then it very clearly bounces off the frozen hard pack.

I’m guessing this was a pretty decent day at Granite. Freshies on top of nicely groomed runs, a little bit of a refresh for any moguls, and a slightly deeper snowpack in the glades. It’s amazing what throwing a football can tell you about the snowpack.

Hey Greg. Keep up the football toss for the daily snow reports. I’m digging it, and I’m sure my football-loving people will too. There’s nothing more telling of a true Football Guy’s Guy than using a pigskin throw to examine the quality of the snow. That’s Grit.

Trail Map - Granite Peak
Granite Peak Ski Area Trail Map

NOTE: I just zoomed in on one frame and noticed that the ball has a significant dent in it. This is leading me to reconsider my prior snow assessment. I’m assuming, based on the new evidence, that the ball is slightly deflated. This could impact how it interacts with the snow.

New Assessment: Snow pack is moderately-dry with more fluff than crud. Skiing on a fresh 3″ of snow can feel like powder turns in the Midwest. Enjoy it, friends.

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