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Matt Jones Laces World’s Back-Flip To Front-Flip On MTB- Is This Witchcraft?

Landing a ‘World’s First’ trick has got to be one of the best feelings in the world. Especially if they name the trick after you like the skateboarding world did with Alan “Ollie” Gelfand. I’m sure you can guess the trick…

Matt Jones landed the world’s first Back-Flip to Front-Flip on a mountain bike earlier this year, and while nobody has named this trick after him yet, it’s still awesome. The edit prior to the trick isn’t half-bad either.

Do you think he conjured some sort of spell to lace this trick? My guess is that the folks in Salem during the 1600s would be at least a little skeptical of how he was able to do something like this… 😂

I just wonder if things like this would have ever been possible without Red Bull sinking millions of dollars into their marketing budget through extreme sports athletes. I’m sure those drinks probably aren’t healthy for people in the slightest, but damn I’m thankful they’ve chose extreme/action-sports as way to sell their product.

The video shoots, competitions, athletes, and events they’ve sponsored over the last two decades has pushed our sports into the stratosphere. All hail that Red Bull money!!!

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